Friday, April 3, 2020

Free Tips for Writing Coral Reef Essays

Coral reefs can be called one of the most amazing things created by nature. These structures can be found in tropical and temperate waters. Like many other unique natural phenomena, coral reefs are influenced by human activity these days. This negative impact is one of the significant†¯issues to consider when talking about coral reefs. By the way, it can be a crucial idea for discussion in your†¯coral reef essay. Maybe, it is even one of the easiest ways to complete coral reef essays. For†¯additional info, just keep reading – we also have some excellent suggestions for you. What Is a Coral Reef? When you write about coral reefs, you should have a clear understanding of what is a coral reef ecosystem, and what is a coral. We all saw corals on photos, videos or even live. But what exactly are corals? Are they plants or animals? Let's find out! Corals neither are plants, nor a quaint stone, but living marine polyps that have a unique limestone skeleton structure growing about 15 mm every year. Corals are the lower coelenterate multicellular creatures in the world's oceans. Imagine a solid lime cylinder, surrounded from the inside and outside by a soft tissue of cells. In its center is the "mouth" of the coral and then it turns into the abdominal cavity. The coral feeds on plankton, capturing small marine organisms with its tentacles around the mouth, which have mucus that paralyzes the prey. Corals in their structure are very different. Some corals have a solid skeleton (which is called madrepores), some don’t have it, and some have mixed type of skeleton, like tubular coral. There are both solitary and colonial corals, which together form a complete barrier, shore reefs or atolls. Old corals die, and new living corals grow on top of them.